Just another adventure or two...
What a week! Good, satisfying, worrysome and well..just another adventure. Monday I cleaned and washed dog beds. I made a natural tick repellant which helped some. The dogs love to run n play and there are plenty of bugs in the country. I have been toying with the positive statements and I am statements this week. That and the idea that we all are one and how does that fit in when we are faced with people who are manipulative or untrustworthy or just unpredictable? I learned at a rather young age, that arguing or fighting weren't acceptable. If someone believes something, no one will change thier mind, maybe the Great One will allow them an experiance that might result in a change. But no struggle is worth trying to do the Big Guys job. I have learned, at the expense even of a physical scar, to relax into times of conflict. To sit with them and through them. To take what resonates from the event and to leave the rest. I try and r...