
Showing posts from September, 2012

Just another adventure or two...

What a week! Good, satisfying, worrysome and well..just another adventure. Monday I cleaned and washed dog beds.  I made a natural tick repellant which helped some.  The dogs love to run n play and there are plenty of bugs in the country. I have been toying with the positive statements and I am statements this week.  That and the idea that we all are one and how does that fit in when we are faced with people who are manipulative or untrustworthy or just unpredictable?  I learned at a rather young age, that arguing or fighting weren't acceptable.  If someone believes something, no one will change thier mind, maybe the Great One will allow them an experiance that might result in a change. But no struggle is worth trying to do the Big Guys job.  I have learned, at the expense even of a physical scar, to relax into times of conflict.  To sit with them and through them.  To take what resonates from the event and to leave the rest.  I try and r...

Just cant wait to share...

What lovely surprises this morning, hopefully you can see the pictures. After a stinky nites visit of a skunk waddling through! Thank God the dogs didnt get sprayed. lol. We woke to the beauty of new blossoms and lots of buds...rainy season here will sprout all kinds of interesting things. Anyway the big sprawly plant hanging at the dining area though artistically beautiful in form with its arms and tenicles kinda stumped me as to why it was chosen to decorate a house - you know nice enough but why, and this morning I learned why! The delecate white blossom and 3 other buds to open soon - simply lovely. Okay it was worth watering. (smile) I noticed many buds about ready to bloom this morning, should be interesting to see what surprises of beauty visit next. I also want to share one of my favorite chuckle-blogs...Sunday is my cappachino day, with or without milk (homemade nut mylk or raw neighbors animal milk), my Sunday morning brew gets cinnamon (sometimes fresh picked-gee I am ...

Earthquakes and mulberries...

This week housesitting life has improved - well clarifying agreements through email do help calm the nerves and I havent seen anymore snakes or unwelcomed critters since Saturday. Monday I totally forgot was Labor Day until I tried to call my credit union in the states, so I changed plans, fiddled with my SIM cards and internet connections, talked with my son about his new van woohoo and washed my hair! Tuesday the farm worker came extra early, his ride wasnt available so he had to walk the entire distance and didnt want to be late. A neighbor brought me fresh cows milk so I made comfort food tomato bisque soup for my lunch. I shared lunch catching up with friends online. Then read most of the rainy afternoon. Wednesday the farm worker arrived at his more normal time. I made a torte of fresh eggs and herbs and shared pejibyes with the dogs for breakfast. Then after taking care of some long overdue business, the table started moving. I felt the earthquake pretty strongly although I...


KISS - or Keep It Simple Silly (okay i changed it from stupid because why call anyone that really). I remind myself all the time to K.I.S.S. everything...problems, relationships, emergencies, lunch, emails, blogging... you get the idea. This past weeks recap: I am housesitting in San Vito, Costa Rica. Anxiously awaiting my turn to travel to the USA and my next adventure - full-time rving, im so excited about exploring the US. At times it is challenging to arrange details from a distance altho with android phones and internet SIM cards nearly anything is possible. Some of you have friended me on Facebook and are able to view pictures and posts. I am not a huge fan of public media although it does help us stay somewhat connected even if only in a driveby sort of way. This past week I dealt with a scorpion, a poisonous snake, mice or rats, bats, and a hurricane induced lightening storm! As well as trying to get my travel plans finalized. Needless to say I was simply exhausted yeste...