Simply Home Ramblings
A reader wrote to me about vandwelling -I got long winded and decided to share with you all I appreciate that everyone goes through changes in life. My friend Wolf recently reminded me that homes and stuff like that change all the time. It reminds me that I grew up with the idea that I had to research and buy stuff to last a lifetime. When I left home as a teenager I thought that the boots I needed had to be a great purcase because I could only have one pair of boots in my lifetime. Or the coat I needed would be a one-time in my life purchase. It was quite some years before I learned differently. Maybe it was because of my family's church beliefs about the world ending in 1969, 1970 or 1972 ... or really soon and people my age would never grow up to have families or grow old. ..maybe. anyway Vandwelling advice and ramblings. Just build and pack your van the way you would go on a vacation. Pack once then take a break. Remove half the stuff and take t...