
Showing posts from September, 2018

Community Dinner CANCELLED

Due to a health issue and upcoming surgery. I need to cancel the Community Dinner that had been scheduled for September 28. There are a few campers on site for the very casual (due to my health problem - nerve and back problems) GTG. They are welcome to stay the full 8 days. I won't know my future for a while. Simply hugs and love Lesa

Simply Moving Right along!

I have decided that it is time to get a carport built. It will cover both the trailer and my patio space. I'm also going to screen in the patio space and make storm panels for winter use. A buddy from town will soon add a roof over my outdoor kitchen, using found materials.  I don't know the schedule yet, so I don't know if this will be done before the community dinner during this fall's GTG. Financially, I am now, approximately $1000 short of being completely out of debt. I have been kind of stubborn, which has been good for me in this case. My stubbornness about paying off my own debt has been teaching me how to be more careful. It has taught me the freedom of not being a slave to societies bill paying lifestyle. I needed to do this alone. You may understand I got myself into this and I have to get myself out! Over the years, many followers have generously offered to help me financially. I have always declined. I even refused to monitize this blog or my YouTube ...