Adventures in Yuma...
So as the Snowbirds exodus from the warm or soon to be hot desert back to the North, I am still loving the warm temperatures. A friend and I returned to the Q Casino in Yuma to enjoy the benefits of a city, the great bathrooms casinos offer and an opportunity to watch basketball games inside a luxurious air conditioned building....which included some dancing to the band on Friday night. Great excersize plan aye! Yesterday, I attended an old fashioned church service at the Faith Baptist Church. Then I did some exploring off Algadones Road. I didn't know anything about boondocking on Indian Reservation land, though I will talk to nearly anyone and ask questions. How beautiful a campsite I found within walking distance to the casino and to free showers and bathrooms. Incredible. I forgot that the bball games were still going on, and I moved to the nature filled campsite in the afternoon. Oops my buddy didn't join me but I managed to get a tour of the area ff...