SimplyLesa GTG! Oct 5-12, 2017
Who : YOU! Blog readers, friends, newbie nomads, rubbertramps and travelers! What : SimplyLesa GTG (Get ToGether) - 1st Annual camp out Where : 524 N7407, Witch Well, AZ 85936 When : October 5 - 12 Come and camp for all 8 days, a short overnight visit, only for coffee or for one activity! YOU MUST CONTACT ME! You do not need to be a Nomad or RTR or VanBuild might like to know something about me or you might be surprised! Thursday Oct 5 - arrive, settle in and say hi Friday Oct 6 - 9:00 Welcome & Introduction 10-10:30 am Q& A 10:30 -11 am visit with each other 5 pm - 5:15 pm Short Welcome for late comers 6:00 pm (Sunset) evening Campfire Feast 7:30 - 9ish pm Campfire chat (casual conversation) Saturday Oct 7th - No Work allowed! Relax all day, walk, lay in your hammock, read, sit and visit with neighbors! (Im aiming for a no electronics day! You can use electronics inside your rig only) Sunday Oct 8 ...