B 2017 1225 Happy day of Simplicity
It's December 25th. Lots of others consider this a holiday. Not so much for me. I don't have any family memories to keep up. Anyway Happy happy carry on with living a good life. Remember to Keep it Simple! Any day is a good day to focus on Simplicity! So I have been feeling a dilema with the installation of solar on my car. I was given a lovely panel. The dilema felt like frustration though I sruggled to define the issue. I tried to end the frustration by gathering information, I became confused. I couldn't sort out what was "bugging" me. I tried talking it out with the project team and left feeling uncomfortable or something - I couldn't name what I felt, just defeated and deflated, as if this is gonna be a drawn out not frustrated experience and I'm probably not going to get what I need and want. So I got off alone. Then I had a nice long shower and detangled my hair which I had let go while I was sick with that cold and allergy ick. That per...