B 2017 1223 update from the road

Hey! Thought I better get back to work and write you all an update!

The Southwest is cold right now! Okay seriously days in the 50s and 60s and nights in the upper 30s and 40s isn't that cold. Although we had one night with temps under freezing. Ozzie and I woke to frosty ice inside the windows. One positive on the frost is that as the sun warms up the windows and the ice melts I get to wash the inside of the car windows!

It's pretty though.

I have been pretty miserable with a cold, it's seeming better this morning. I find it amazing how a little cold takes my brain functions away. I can't think very good when I feel sick. Add another factor, I didn't know that all over the counter cold meds ,well guess I should say most, have the hidden ingredient ginger. That's great for most people but I am allergic to ginger. So I was suffering even more with hives and crap before I knew what was going on. Stopped taking meds and I feel much better and hives about all cleared up.

What else is happening? I don't have a way to keep the batteries in my tablet, phone and jetpack for internet charged fully. That's another reason why you haven't heard from me. I upgraded my Lifeline SafeLink phone to a smartphone - kewl. I have been using an Anker travel solar panel that was a gift when someone upgraded. It charges the phone in a couple hours but the tablet takes a day or two depending on clouds. Anyway that is changing! Whoohoo and thanks to Kitty and Dan I now have a 100W solar panel for the car.

Seth and Matt are preparing to mount it on my cargo basket. So I'm scraping together funds to buy the extra things we need for the job. I believe that I am buying a barely used set of batteries from Seth as he makes an upgrade to his electric bike. That should give me 80Ah of battery and since they are sealed AGMs they should fit well inside a cubby in the car.

I am reminded that I need to be careful spending money to continue with my plan to be out of debt by my birthday. Traveling is not cheaper for me. I find it's harder for me to say no to extra expenses. I want so badly to be part of the community. To help others, take people for rides, go to lunch to catch up with friends. It's very challenging for me to say no. And one of my old habits seems to rear it's head in group situations, I feel like the only way to be a part of the group is to feed them and physically stay on the fringes. I'm not liking that anymore and yet I don't think that I know another way. So this month I spent about double my grocery budget. Darn I didn't consider my priorities in that decision. (Hanging my head in shame) 

I moved away from the river BLM area a couple days ago. I'm in a safe area with friends, protected from wind and with a great amount of space between campsites. I am relaxing and getting myself more organized and together. I cut back to cooking and making coffee for one. In this area Ozzie can make a quick pee run off leash in the chilly morning which lets me make coffee and prepare myself before going outside.

I will post videos and write more as I get batteries charged. Have no doubt I'm thinking of you all and working on ideas!

I will leave you with a look at my long awaited business cards. Yup I finally got my butt in gear and designed myself some. No I don't make money off any of the things listed. I can accept items or donations. I'm not willing to jeapordize my disability income. I now can give people at events more information with less talking..lol give my jaws a break!

That's it for now,
Keep it Simple!


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