Hi readers. How do I break out of a simply ugly depression? First even though I don't like depression or my PTSD tendencies, my first line of defense is to acknowledge that that's what is happening in my life. Recognise and remember that these diseases are a part of my life. I recall that for a short time it's ok to be right where I am and for a time that happens to be under the control of a disease. The disease of depression and that of PTSD, for me, is like a 3 or 4 headed monster. A monster who reminds me that I am worthless and know nothing. My PTSD, it reminds me that I take up too much space in the universe, I never should have taken the first breath at my birth, it takes me, way to easily, back to some ugly traumas from my younger life. During this difficult time, if words are used in similar sentence structure or with similar voice inflections as an incident in my ugly past, or if I watch a movie with a scene that is similar to one of my compounded traumas ... ...