Simply another week in Witch Well!
Hey! So its been another week - I helped my friend Zee, who is 80, get mostly moved into her new house in town. I helped my friend, Cheryl with loading trash and connected her with another friend from St John's who looked over her solar and generator system at her off-grid home. I planted some spinach and lettuce in pots - I don't like the asthetic look, but I need the greens more than the asthetics at the moment. I'm, slowly working on a mini screened in garden room - mini, mind you, being that it is barely the size of a shelving unit. I expanded the yard fencing to include a hill top dining area. Thanks to Gen for the idea! I've taken my dinner and lunches up there most days this week. I love how practical the space is. I don't have the ground leveled out yet, one step at a time. I've been getting gentle rain most nights this week! That's been helpful for the flower garden. Oh and sometime this spring, when people were visiting my house, I h...