Keeping It Simple - Gracious Gifting!
Thank you so very much everyone who continues to follow me here on as well as over on my YouTube channel SimplyLesa! I have received so many gracious and wonderful gifts! It has been a challenge to carefully manuever my low income life with the goal to live debt free - which is often a goal and and has been a reality a couple of times. I appreciate you all. PayPal, years ago, offered me a account and I used it for quite sometime. We NEED to stop using it. I had a follower ask me if received some gift and I needed to call Pay Pal for support to find out what happened. I learned that someone else is also using Simply Lesa as an account name on Pay Pal. SOOOO, IF you are wanting to give me a gift on Pay Pal --- ONLY login to your account and use my email address! because email addresses on PayPal are our account numbers. Also, in our post Covid 2022 world, the IRS is taking note of business transactions and requiring a tax payment. At this curr...