Simply Defeat!

A level of defeat It's 2 AM in New Mexico. The night is calm and clear. At least it is now. The stars are bright and the area around me is quiet. A week ago, I was robbed. It was a quiet robbery. I wasn't there. My things were stolen while I was away shopping for my weekly groceries. My friend's were robbed as well. They feel violated and unsafe. It has taken me some time to process my own feelings because, as I and likely others who have experienced other traumas in their lifetimes, I became busy creatively problem solving anything I could have control over. I gave hugs, I listened to others processing, I prepared healthy foods. I made lots of hot drinks for all of us. I deep cleaned cupboards. And rifled through my rig looking for extranious items to possibly get rid of -- yeah, not much more to let go of. I thought. and thought about my summer travels. I thought about my teaching classes. I thought about being alone. I thought about getting even older. I thought ab...