Decisions, decisions
I'm anxious to get moving again. I've been visiting in one location for quite some time now and I am sure my hosts as well would like a break, I know I get that way myself. I have been struggling with the idea of getting a loan (omgosh after 7ish years of debt free living!) to buy a vehicle so I can travel a little easier. I learned from 170 miles of hiking that carrying everything on my back is a kewl idea and it can get old - quickly. I can live out of a backpack and I would like a few more things than that style of life is giving me at this stage of my life. So it's probably a good idea, since it might look a little kooky to see a middle aged woman walking on the side of a road dragging a wagon or something, to just buy a car, a mini-van, a van, a small suv --- something. And big enough to be comfortable and to sleep a night or two in while traveling. So I've been looking and a found something interesting and I have contacted my credit union ...