My being sick and hospitalized recently .... I have to grow my own food. I don't see how I can travel so much and do that - especially on my budget. I have the knowledge I can I don't really want to do it alone I need goats or sheep milk ferments like kefir and cheese, wild fish or game, poultry and real eggs - maybe quail. Homemade mead, ale or wines. Low fiber veggies and herbs, squash and pumpkins from the ground.....I don't think that I want to raise the larger animals I've been around that and it may be out of my league. If necessary I am willing to sell my van and Scamp because I don't have a life when I am sick. ..I can't see other options for now because its hard to find these homegrown foods when traveling....geez a farmer's market tomato can cost $4 each. And its illegal to sell raw milk! At least in Costa Rica every town had a farmer who would sell you something. I was healthier in CR because I bought raw milk and fresh eggs from my neigh...