
Showing posts from December, 2020

Simply Endings and Beginings!

  2020 is Ending - whew what a year! and 2021 it's hard to believe that its about to turn the year into 2021!  Life has changed so much for us all. Now, mask wearing is what we all do, when a short year ago most of us hardly thought about face masks. Many of us have stopped listening to the commercial news as it once was, and have gotten off social media or curbed its influence in our lives tremendously. I have grown a lot this year - I let go of toxic and unhealthy things much quicker than I once did, I embrace my tendencies for a self sufficent lifestyle easier, I practice the old school skills that I have learned over the years and I decided that building infastructure on my rural off-grid property was vitally important. I became a volunteer member of the which has become a big online support for me and has given me purpose helping others. I let go of my expectation to be "perfect" - it never worked anyway! (grin)  I have liked transparency and now I s...

Simply Freedom!

 Today I feel so free! Letting go sometimes is a challenge because how do we let go? AND what are we letting go of - a thought, a habit an item?  I recently let go of a thought and a habit that were one thing. You see years ago I had a difficult break up from a relationship with a musician. Following that relationship music was so emotionally loaded for me that I could be happy or sad or angry or confused at the drop of a hat. I could feel so many different emotions so quickly when I would hear music. In the last month I decided to endure a fellow rvers music a little longer than normal and to my surprise and amazement within less than 2 days I realized that music was no longer loaded for me and I now enjoy music again.  I feel so free today. Partially because I allowed myself to give up an item that I no longer was using. now I could have sold this item. And yet after I made the decision to let the item go I slept with the idea. A day or so later I realized that I had go...