Personal Traditions - Wednesday Girlie Time

Years ago, while recovering from a nervous breakdown and re-building my lifestyle, I was challenged with the idea of traditions.  Having been raised in the Worldwide Church of God, our view of holidays was rather different from mainstream religons.  As I worked with the subject of traditions, I realized that the holidays of Thanksgiving and Sader dinner (NTBMO to those in the WWCG) were most important to me and I continue to celebrate those in a thoughtful way, even if alone.  After that I realized that traditionscould be many different things, some people have birthday traditions or family vacation traditions so I began developing my own Personal Traditions that I would like to share with my children and I made up my First Weekend per month dinner or breakfast that I would make special and share with others (even by phone or skype); and my Girlie Time on Wednesday.....

What is Girlie Time you may ask...a time for women or girls to share pampering in lighthearted, playfull and even silly ways.  It changes all the time and at times it is private and solitary, like a soak in a hot candlelit bubblebath, with smoothjazz playing, and a glass of sparkling juice or wine.  At other times, like today, it was swapping stories while painting each others nails and having a lucious chocolate treat and meeting other fellow travel women!  I enjoyed sharing my tradtion with the 3 other women here at the pre-RTR Camp.

What did you do to pamper yourself today?

Check out the tootsies!


  1. I cherish my Girlie time. Nice tootsies.

  2. hi lesa, was sooooo much fun having girlie day with you!! enjoyed your company lots while at the gathering.
    may you find pretty rocks along your way ;0)
    see you at quartzsite, me and mipoppy

  3. Hey, lesa~
    Enjoyed getting to experience your tradtion of Girlie Time, even though I was a bit tardy! Glad I was able to take a 'road trek' down your lane and spend time with you, and everyone.
    Take care.


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