Hello I'm Simply Updating Simply Lesa Online!

Good day all you Friends of Simply Lesa!

I've just spent 4 hours at a library in Yuma Arizona, updating Simply Lesa online!
I'm not done - so I will be back and making more changes tomorrow - I'm simply burned out for today, but I got a LOT done.
I have about 4 minutes left and so this will be short and hopefully sweet.

I got my Amazon Affiliate back - so will be doing more of that work to add product link tomorrow (I hope I can figure it all out again! - grin)

Feel free to leave me comments and suggestions for online content

Hugs n Love
Keep it Simple so you can Travel Light & Often,



  1. Thanks Karen (N Tony) I'm gonna get this finished asap! Hope you are having a good time where ever the road has you this week! Hugs

  2. I'm so glad you exist, Lesa. I saw your video with Bob when you lived on $250 a month. That led me to your blog.

    I've found that more often than not, those who have been traumatized in life, who are empathetic, and are good, decent women are plagued with health issues throughout their life and increasingly so as they get older.

    Whatever the case, I'm glad you exist and I got to see your video with Bob and now your blog and your YouTube videos.

    Brave, courageous woman with so many life experiences and lived adventures.

  3. For content ideas, perhaps you can do what Bob has done, only with you being a woman, other women can watch the how-to videos of a fellow woman, who has herself lived in vehicles. It's preferable to learn from another woman how she does things.

    In so many videos of Bob's, he talks about how safe it is, how he has never had any problems, nor ever heard of anybody having problems with crime. But I would bet that is because he is a man. And he has a dog.

    What about women? How many women do you know that live on the road have been victimized while out on the road? How do they stay safe? Are you a part of a caravan? Would you put one together? How do other women protect themselves and fare well enough on the road to be relatively safe?

    Bob's videos have his comments about crime being in the cities, not out in the woods, but I suspect if a woman is attacked in the city, she'll more likely survive, versus if she is attacked in the woods, where nobody is around to see, nobody is around to help.

    How does a woman keep safe? What crimes do you know about that have happened to other women on the road, in the nomadic lifestyle? Do you carry? Is there a favorite gun among nomadic women? What about holsters and whatnot?

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