Valentine's - Simply Love Me day!?

Goodmorning Friends!

I grew up in a home that kept different Holydays from the general population. Valentine's Day was just simply another day. As a child I viewed it as another day when I am set aside as differnt and reminded that I am not worth loving or even liking. I didn't get candy or cards and I wasn't allowed to give them to others. In public schools kids can be kind of crewl so I recall being openly critized and teased.

As an adult, I have chosen to use the month of February as a reminder of the power of the LOVE energy that drives the physical world as we know it. During this month, I concentrate my Wednesday evening Self Care Routine on Self Love. I review my little notes in my Wellness box that remind me that I am important, that I matter and that I am beautiful.

Today is Valentine's Day.  It's also the day that my Lumbar Puncture or Spinal Tap is scheduled. I have watched videos on You Tube explaining the proceedure and recovery and possible incredible headaches. I have prepared all that I believe I can. I have a ride to and from the appointment. I talked with the staff about my concerns and anxiety to needles. I ate a good dinner and brushed my teeth - and now I have already begun the fasting. This is self care and self love - I keep reminding myself of that. The doctors are testing me for MS. It feels like a scarey time with too much uncertainty. And yet - here we go.

I think that I have a pinched nerve or that the chip from a herniated disc that fell into my spinal column a year ago and caused peralasis has perhaps moved around. I do not think that I have MS. I understand that MS comes on gradually. My event happened all of the sudden the Tuesday following Thanksgiving. I did get very sick and likely had the flu. I also had an event that caused my face to droop.  I should have been taken to the hospital that time.  Unfortunately the people who were assisting me, when I couldn't walk or talk made the decision to not send me there. And a couple days later, someone told the attendees at the event I was attending that I was fine and all recovered - I wasn't - I am better and I did get enough better to begin driving. I attended some days at the RTR showing off my HOWA minivan and my minimalist style of Nomad life. As well as answering questions and sharing my experience and skills with others. I like helping other people.

Valentine's Day reminds me, as well, of my traveling to Costa Rica. Why? Because this is the day when the flights to Costa Rica are the cheapest of all times. I used to get $99 Round Trip flights from NYC to Costa Rica and just go! Those were some good and some scarey times as well. I didn't know not one word of Spanish when I first got on that first flight. Then being alone in a strange country and trying to figure things out. I guess I was brave then.

I miss Ozzie this Valentine's Day. He was my Fur Baby - companion and the best hugger. And he was a pain in the butt - he was blind, had a heart problem and didn't get along well with other dogs. But he hugged me a lot and gave me something to do, someone to care for and take my mind off my own stuff.

I'm finding that the YouTube channel is Work! It might be more work than I want to do? I don't know yet. I was rather disappointed that I re-applied for an Amazon Affiliate and was given a 90 day trial period - which by the way has only been 30 days and I recieved an email saying that my YouTube channel is inappropriate for Amazon so they have canceled my Affiliate link. Inappropriate??? Oh well, maybe I don't want to work that hard anyway. I am gaining many subscribers lately - so some people are interested in what I share. I think that one video per week is enough and perhaps one blog post per week as well. I like living my life and being Highly Sensitive and Empathic, I do like a lot of alone time and space as well. IF I have MS, then I don't really know what I need to change. I have had quite a learning curve even considering that MS could be something I need to deal with. FYI so far all the tests are clean and do NOT support MS as a diagnosis. There are however, two lesions of concern on my brain. That's why we are doing more testing. I want to be further tested for both Lymes Disease and to see what happened with that Chip of Disc that gave me problems last year.

Obviously this medical stuff has been a large part of my thinking lately.  I start to work on something else and my thoughts return to "but IF I have MS then what"
I was excited to have a focus helping others through the HOWA experience -- and I do have plans to attend the next HOWA Build in April. But - I don't even know how my thoughts will change after this afternoon's Spinal Tap.

I have put more of my affairs in order - I'm not dieing yet - but this health scare has been more serious and along with some deaths in the family, it caused me to be responsible and take care of my own stuff. My Emergency Contact knows that if someone calls her that I should be taken to a hospital. That my Medicare and AZ state healthcare (ACCHS) is set up to pay for emergency hospitalizations. (So the person who told people NOT to send me to the hospital because "She can't afford it". They were wrong.) I changed the beneficiary on my Credit Union account from an EX-Boyfriend to my Daughter. I have set up a starter savings fund for cremation and an urn. And I have instructed both my daughter and emergency contact person what I would like done with my urn..... so those details are as taken care of as I can manage right now.

I completed my obligations to HOWA. The minivan lean has been removed and now is all mine.  Because there is a mechanical issue with the minivan, I plan to have a conversation with Suanne before I make any changes. I want to preserve our relationship and I believe that being up-front is a healthier way  to do that. I'm not too interested in putting a large amount of money into this minivan for a repair. So we will discuss that before I make a plan.

I, like most of us Nomads, do have ideas for vehicle dependent travel that I would like to experience before my health becomes the thing that dictates my decisions. And, then, I have ideas for what I think would fit me when my health is the big decision maker.

Valentine's Day is my day of Self Love reminders as well as sharing Love conversations with the people in my world. You all, please, have a great day! Spread the love in whatever way you are given to do that. Pass out some hugs and appropriate kisses.  Take care of yourself - because someone cares about you or seeing you or meeting you one day.

Keep it Simple so you can Travel Light and Oten,
Until next week


  1. keep on truckin;! positive thoughts sent your way

  2. Thank you so much for visiting and commenting! I appreciate the encouragement.

  3. Gary in WashingtonThursday, March 05, 2020

    I always look forward to what you post here and on YouTube.

    Be well


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